Do you ever feel like this when you are trying to print coupons? I wanted to teach you how to print bricks coupons whether your browser is Internet Explorer, Firefox, or Safari.

If you are having problems printing a bricks coupon you can easily solve the problem by changing two letters in the url.
This is an example of a bricks coupon:
The highlighted letters in the url are the letters you'll need to change depending on your browser to make the coupon print.
Here are the letters you should use instead:
Internet Explorer: vi or wi
Firefox: vg or wg
Safari: xs
TIP #2
Make sure your printer has paper, ink, and is plugged in. I have lost more than a few coupons because my printer wasn't on, but the silly coupon didn't recognize that and thought it had printed. So, I lost it.
Also, most printable coupons can be printed twice. As soon as the first one prints, hit the browser back button about 2 or three times until you see the computer and the printer icons.
I will put this tip on the sidebar under Printing Coupons 101 and add to it if I think of another printing coupon tip.
Have any tips you want to share? Leave a comment, by clicking 'comment' at the end of this post.
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