Saturday, May 28, 2011

New Rite Aid Coupon Policy

There is a new Rite Aid Coupon Policy effective this week. You can check it out here and print a copy for yourself.

The main changes:

*No Longer can use a BOGO Coupon on a BOGO sale to get two free. (I am checking on this to see how it WOULD work then)

*You CAN use a BOGO Coupon PLUS a Cents off Coupon together on a pair of items, not to exceed selling price.

*There is a limit of 4 LIKE Coupons in one visit, transaction - up to the store manager's discretion based on available stock

*Accept a coupon up to the selling price of an item, but not over. (No overage)

Those are the changes. Some of which are good (limiting shelf clearing) and others..not so great for couponers - (no bogo on a bogo sale). So far Rite Aid has been very lenient with their policies - and they still have a great coupon policy. Let me know if you encounter any issues with the new policies and what you think!

Thanks for the write up My CNY Mommy!

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